Tafseer Ul Quran By Abu Saif

Tafseer Ul Quran – Al Ehsaan:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

All praise be to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, Who blessed us with the Holy book of the Qur’an.

Almost fourteen hundred years ago, The Quran Kareem was bestowed upon the Muslim Ummah. This ultimate guide consists of vast and significant knowledge that was revealed on our Holy Prophet (SAW) in twenty-three years. So, understanding and memorizing this Holy book sometimes takes years. if the memorization is done with Tafseer (understanding the meaning of every ayah and surah) it takes even longer.

The Holy Quran states: “Allah will exalt in rank those of you who believe and those who have knowledge. Allah is aware of all that you do.” (The Quran 58:11)

Learning Quran with proper understanding is a noble act, which every Muslim should be performing daily. It allows better implementation of Allah’s message and guidance. Unfortunately, not many Muslims recite or memorize the Holy Quran with its Tafseer. Therefore, Al Ehsaan, an online institute of Islamic education, is making serious efforts to help the future generation learn about Allah’s word in the best possible manner.

We have gathered lessons from many renowned Islamic scholars under one banner. One such scholar is Abu Saif Muhammad Rafiq, the Managing Director of Al Ehsaan Online Institute. Tafseer Ul Quran provides a scholarly analysis of several verses of the Holy Quran using reliable and traditional Islamic resources.

Learning Objectives:

Here are some important learning objectives of our Tafseer ul Quran course includes:

  • Deliver authentic information about the Holy Quran
  • Emphasis on the practical implementation of Allah’s message
  • Increase your spiritual connection with the Almighty
  • Solve complexities during the study
  • Answer common queries of students
  • Convey detailed background information of revelation time, place, and situation.

To understand the true meaning of the message of Allah:

The main purpose of reading any script or book is to gain knowledge and apply it in your daily life. The Holy Quran is the word of Allah SWT and only the most fortunate people get a chance to understand the true essence of its message and apply it in their lives.

As a Muslim, it is our duty to make an earnest effort to understand the word of Allah and one of the best sources is through its proper Tafseer. Therefore, Al Ehsaan Tv has brought forward an extensive range of Islamic Courses taught by specialized Islamic Scholars. Our professionals bear years of experience learning and teaching Quran to people all around the world and the courses cover a variety of different subjects.

Learn the translation word by word:

The core purpose of our creation is to know and worship Allah. Reciting the Holy Quran with translation improves value in life leading to increased comprehension of its knowledge. Translation of the Holy Quran allows Muslims to reflect its verses and opens the door of ease and comfort in both lives; this world and the life hereafter. However, its teachings and guidance need to be studied very carefully. That’s why we recommend getting enrolled in a complete course to learn translation and Tafseer word by word and make the most of the teachings of Islam. Dive into an ocean of knowledge and faith with Al Ehsaan Tv today and embark on a spiritual journey that will transform you for the better.

01 | Surah Al-Fatiha | Dowrah e Tafsir ul Quran2021 | Abu Saif Muhammad Rafiq | Alehsaan Tv